Why Was It OK When Polo Did It?
Why Was It OK When Polo Did It?
It’s a question we often heard from people when the idea and research for this website came about. The reality is it was ok when Polo did it for the same reason it’s ok when Surf does it. The many uses of this facility have historical precedence on their side and they’re very consistent in context with what has occurred at the facility since its inception.
Simply put, Polo ran events of all kinds, Surf runs events of all kinds. Polo had a membership, Surf has a membership. Polo parked cars onsite, Surf parks cars onsite. Polo sold merchandise in support of their events, Surf sells merchandise in support of their events. Polo had sponsors, Surf has sponsors. Polo used temporary event signage, Surf uses temporary event signage. Polo used lighting for their members, Surf uses lighting for their members. Polo sub-leased the facility to other event runners, Surf sub-leases the facility to other event runners. These uses have been happening with remarkable consistency since 1985 and Surf has been onsite since 1992. We have been an integral part of it’s history. Our goal of showing some of these photos is to establish how consistent the use of this property has been since the very beginning. Todays uses are every bit the same as yesterdays, and the intensity has ebbed and flowed over the years.
Current Photos
Courtesy of Preserve The Polo Fields Website
These photos and comments are courtesy of the preserve the polo fields website and are supposed to highlight some of the atrocities committed by Surf Cup Sports. Instead, they highlight many of the daily, weekly, and monthly usages that have occurred at Surf Sports Park since 2016. (Our comments are in parentheses.)
Past Photos
Courtesy of Google & Friends Of Surf Sports Park
These photos are courtesy of google, and our own database, and are highlighting just some of the many uses that occurred at the former San Diego Polo Club over the 30+ years of their control of the facility. (1983 - 2016)